Directory and Summary of Topics: (CLICK HERE)
Lecture 1: Introduction - Fisheries in an Evolutionary Context
Lecture 2: Review of the Most Common Fishing Gear Types
Lecture 3: Interactions Fisheries - Ecosystems
Lecture 4: Bycatches on Fish Aggregating Devices. FIPs: ISSF
Lecture 5: Adoption of Bycatch Reduction Devices
Lecture 6: Seabirds and Longlines
Lecture 7: Assessing Population Level Impacts of Bycatch Assessing: The Leatherback Case Study
Lecture 8: A Decision Support Tool for Integrated Fisheries Bycatch Management: Criteria for Bycatch Management Strategy Evaluation
Lecture 9: The Veterinarian's Role in Improving Survival
Lecture 10: Interactions Between Pinnipeds and Fisheries - The Baltic Grey Seal Case
Lecture 11: Habitat Models and Their Use in Bycatch Mitigation
Lecture Recording
Supplemental Video: